Upcoming Events:

Sunday, August 11, 2024
Yoga Kula Berkeley

1666 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley
5-7 pm
$25 advance / $30 day of

Saturday, September 28, 2024
Integral Yoga San Francisco

770 Dolores St., San Francisco, CA
7-9 pm

Stream the ARK albums:

album cover

Nama Sankirtana, Vol. 1

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Mulani - Dub Kirtan


Ananda Rasa (the bliss of Divine rapture) Kirtan is led by vocalist and multi-instrumentalist David Estes who is currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area. David grew up in India and spent several years completely immersed in the practices of kirtan, sanskrit text chanting, meditation, and service as a full-time resident in daily ashram life. Ananda Rasa Kirtan is rooted in traditional Sanskrit chants and mantras sung to original Indian raga melody compositions and explores the ecstatic and mystical moods of Bhakti in call and response chanting with the audience.